The Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre is a charitable, not-for-profit educational and interpretive Centre managed by a volunteer board of directors and a part-time staff team. The Centre was developed in 2011 and opened in 2012 under the wings of the Cowichan Land Trust on Cowichan Valley Regional District parkland. We fledged as our own charitable society in 2019 with two main purposes:
1) To advance education by providing classes to the public on the subjects of the Cowichan estuary, its marine and bird life, its natural and cultural history, the Cowichan and Koksilah watersheds, and other natural ecosystems; and
2) To protect, restore and enhance the quality of the natural environment in the Cowichan estuary and its adjacent watersheds
The Centre collaborates with the Land Trust, the CVRD’s Area D Parks Commission and the Cowichan Valley Naturalists, and is supported by a wide range of Nature Centre volunteers, including educators and interpreters who engage with visitors of all ages and keep the Centre’s doors open to the public. Educational programs for school classes, children, youth and adults are led by professional nature educators assisted by volunteers. The Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre is a member of the Nature Cowichan network.
Our Board
As a not-for-profit charitable society, the Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors under the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws.
Board of Directors
Co-Chairs: Pamela Williams & Jane Douglas
Board Secretary: Brandi Drew
Board Treasurer: Stacey Slager
Directors: Tracey Brown, Sean Hacker Teper, Nick Gallan

Staff and Contractors
Managing Director: Vacant
Educator: Chloe Mitchell
Lead Aquarist: Paula McPhee

CENC would like to acknowledge the contributions of John Scull, Eric Marshall, and Bill Austin; without their dedication, we wouldn’t be here.
May our work always honor their memory.
The CNEC Society’s Constitution and Bylaws
Annual Reports